Pulse Reading, Tongue & Nails Analysis Video Course


Pulse Reading, Tongue & Nails Analysis Video Course


3 hr video training incl. manuals

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During this fascinating 3 hours webinar with Ayurvedic Doctor Heidi Nordlund, you will learn how to use the Ayurvedic pulse reading, tongue, nail and eye analysis in your practice and how this skill can help you both personally and professionally.

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Ayurveda’s sophisticated system of clinical assessment elaborates the definition of disorders and unique classification of imbalance, which helps in understanding the prognosis of disease.

Pulse reading has been an integral part of traditional approaches to medicine for thousands of years. Imbalances and potential disease can be detected in their early stages, giving you the opportunity to correct them before they affect the quality of your life.

Did you know that your tongue and nails reveal important information about the state of your digestion, thyroid, lungs and blood?

That your pulse reveals the health of your liver, gallbladder, heart, circulation, bladder and kidneys?

That, by knowing the eyes you can know the whole body?

It wasn’t until I studied under Heidi Nordlund, that I finally SOARED with the greatest gift life might ever present to me. It’s unparalleled thus far, in my passionate journey to pursue the care and delivery of this Science of Life. I hope you/others can appreciate how special (or even critical) it is to study this science with Heidi Nordlund. Get ready for one (if not the most) meaningful journies of your physical, earthly lifetime.
— Tamara D., FL.

Get in touch with what is going on in the deepest layers of the body. Experience the connection between your consciousness and physical body.

By listening deeply, you help the body become aware of itself.

Once that awareness is there, your body begins to recognize problems in the system and begins to heal itself.

Your body needs energy and awareness to heal.

Acquiring the Ayurvedic assessment skills give you a whole new level of insight into understanding and healing yourself and your clients.