Harmonize, Energize & Heal Your Life


Take Charge of Your Health and Well-Being

  • Discover your Ayurvedic body-mind type.

  • Learn which foods, self-care and lifestyle habits balance your body and mind.

  • Use Ayurvedic herbal preparations to bring you into a state of vibrant well-being.

  • Find out how to honor your physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs.


Receive Proper Support to Empower and Motivate yourself to fully Heal and Shift into a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Sleep peacefully

  • Enjoy abundance of energy

  • Boost your immunity and vitality

  • Calm your mind

  • Stabilize a positive mood

  • Balance your weight

  • Release deep-seated blockages

  • Heal from chronic pain

  • Experience radiant health and well-Being

Ayurveda Focuses on your Entire Being

The focus of Ayurveda is to know how to live in harmony with your environment.

This ancient medical science is a precursor to all healing systems including Western Medicine, Aromatherapy and Naturopathy.

Ayurvedic medicine is a system that helps maintain optimal health by using the inherent principles of nature to bring you into harmony with your true self.

In essence, Ayurveda has been in existence since the beginning of time because nature's laws have always governed humanity. Life is a combination of mind, body and Soul and every aspect of your being are considered equally important and worthy of nurturing.

Recommendations are Personalized to Your Unique Needs

HERBAL PREPARATIONS. Customized to suit your health and personal needs. Ayurvedic herbs have been used around the world for thousands of years and have been safely used with no issues. Heidi orders herbs from excellent sources known for good manufacturing practices, comply with FDA regulations and quality control who deal with authentic, organic sources that are closely monitored. Heidi prepares custom formulas which work consistently well for all her clients.

SEASONAL PRACTICES. Live in balance with the seasonal changes.

LIFESTYLE & DAILY ROUTINE CHANGES. Learn to exercise for your type and practice proper self-care.

SPIRITUAL PRACTICES & STRESS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES, Includes yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques, breathing practices, and energetic body scans.

DIETARY GUIDELINES. Learn how to eat, when to eat, and what to eat.

PANCHA KARMA (CLEANSING & PURIFICATION). The 3 phases of Ayurvedic Cleansing:

  1. Pre-cleanse to safely and effectively purify the body and mind.

  2. The 5 step cleanse to deeply purify your entire being.

  3. Rebuilding the body to achieve a stronger Immune system, clarity, healthy organs, vitality and optimal balance.

Common Questions

What if I am seeing a physician for a condition, say high blood pressure or diabetes? Will the Ayurvedic recommendations conflict? Can I see both doctors?
Heidi is trained to work hand in hand with your Western physician. This means that the Ayurvedic herbal preparations will be recommended only after thoroughly taking into account existing medications for your conditions. You do not have to choose between seeing your regular doctor and your Ayurveda practitioner. It is not either/or. In fact if something comes up during your Ayurvedic consultation that Heidi feels must be evaluated further by your Western physician, she will contact your doctor to investigate further. Heidi works in complement with your other physicians to provide the best solutions for you.

I have read some concerns about Ayurvedic herbs in the press lately specifically with regard to some of them containing heavy metals. How do I know that the herbs I am taking are ok?
As with all things, the media tends to sensationalize issues without adequate and thorough fact checking. Ayurvedic herbs have been around for 1000's of years and have been safely used with no issues. Heidi orders herbs from excellent sources who is known for good manufacturing practices, comply with FDA regulations and quality control who deal with authentic, organic sources in India that are closely monitored. She makes custom formulas and have never had any cases so far of complaints against any of the herbs she has recommended and they have worked consistently well for her clients. 

How do I monitor and track progress or challenges?
While on the Ayurvedic healing program, it is essential to come for regular follow-up consultations –this is the only way your progress and/or challenges can be tracked. The Ayurvedic program works optimally with consistent disciplined application. Regular follow-ups ensure timely monitoring of symptoms that come up and any concerns that may arise. They are a great way to acknowledge success with implementations or challenges you may experience. This allows for modifying the treatment program as needed. Unless acute monitoring is required, follow-up visits are usually recommended once a month and then on a maintenance schedule as necessary.

How long should I be on the program before I see results?
It depends – some conditions will show marked improvement almost immediately, others will take longer depending on the nature of the condition, how long it has been with you and so on. A truly comprehensive Ayurvedic program addressing mind, body and spirit transformation is really a lifelong healing work in progress! Realistically, many committed clients are able to see benefits in a few weeks to a few months. But ultimately it depends on how committed and consistent you are in following all the recommendations. You will experience positive changes in your health once you start diligently taking herbs and implementing the lifestyle modifications.

The 5 Elements in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, you are viewed as a unique individual made up of five primary elements. These elements are Ether / Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. To gain full awareness of your body, it is essential to have clarity of these five elements.

Ayurveda explains that all matter in the universe is made of five elemental, cosmic energies or building blocks. These elements are representative of states of matter. This concept of the five elements lies at the very heart of Ayurvedic science.

These five elements are present within every living being and every conscious thing, including all the food you ingest, the weather, the environment and all of nature. Because these elements are present in the environment, they have an influence on you.

The 3 Doshas - Derived from the 5 Elements 

Vata Dosha

Vata is a combination of the elements space and air. It is dry, light, cold, mobile, active, clear, astringent, and its energy is dispersing. Vata governs the principle of movement and can therefore be seen as the force which directs nerve impulses, circulation, respiration and elimination. Thus, Vata controls some of the basic body processes such as cell division, the heart, breathing, nervous system and the mind.

Pitta Dosha

Pitta represents the elements of fire and water. It has evolved from the functions of fire in nature. As fire cooks, digests or destroys everything that it comes across according to its strength; similarly, Pitta is the basic energy-generating constituent necessary for all the metabolic operations of the body. The transformation of foods into nutrients that the body assimilates is an example of a Pitta function. It is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.

Pitta is hot, sharp, light, liquid, sour, oily and has a spreading quality.

Pitta types have a medium frame and good muscle tone. They are likely intense, energetic, dynamic, perfectionist and focused individuals. When Pitta is in balance, they make great teachers, leaders and guides.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha combines the elements water and earth. It has heavy, slow, cool, oily, liquid, dense, thick, static and cloudy qualities. Kapha means the adhesive material which in the body acts as the assembling constituent. The gel like substance between your joints can be considered as Kapha for understanding purpose.

Kapha is responsible for growth, immunity, strength and offers protection; cerebral-spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type of Kapha found in the body.

Kapha types tend to have larger bones, thicker muscles and fat, slower metabolism, abundant wavy hair, big attractive eyes, put on weight easily, and may have cool, clammy skin. Kapha types also talk and move slower but with grace and dignity. When balanced, there is consistency, dedication, loyalty, unconditional love, calmness, nurture, devotion forgiveness, love, generosity and compassion. 

What is Health

The Ayurvedic definition of health is that state in which your structure and function is operating optimally and you are in a state of physical, mental and spiritual equilibrium.

The Ayurvedic state of health

  • Vata, Pitta, Kapha are in equilibrium with regard to your individual body-mind type (Prakrti).

  • All seven tissues are in the proper state of strength and integrity.

  • Your digestive fire is balanced resulting in proper appetite, digestion and assimilation.

  • Waste materials are produced and eliminated in a regular manner.

  • Your sense organs are functioning normally and your mind is undisturbed.

  • Happiness and contentment is the experience of life.

Ayurvedic Principles

  • All things in the universe (both living and nonliving) are joined together.

  • Every human being contains elements that are found in the universe.

  • All people are born in a state of balance within themselves and in relation to the universe.

  • This state of balance is disrupted by the processes of life. Disruptions can be physical, emotional, spiritual or a combination. These imbalances weaken the body and make you susceptible to disease.

  • Health is good if your interaction with the immediate environment is effective and wholesome.


The word Prakrti means natural or original form and source. Pra can be translated as the beginning or source of origin, and krti means composition or creation. Thus, prakrti refers to the innate constitution of your body and mind.

The five elements and the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) constitute Prakrti and is determined at the moment of conception depending on the predominant combination of the elements. 

You are born with a basic Prakrti which determines your body type, personality and tendency to illness. While your basic Prakrti does not change, except for very rare circumstances, aspects thereof change with age, seasons and geo-climatic conditions.

By understanding your Prakrti, you can anticipate your disease tendencies and patterns and learn how to cope with them in order to prevent becoming sick. During Ayurvedic consultations with Heidi Nordlund, you will gain the understanding of your Ayurvedic body-mind type.

Superficially it may appear that some types are better than others. However, each type has its positive and negative aspects. There is no "wrong" type, and you should not desire to be of a different one. You need to start from wherever you are. This means that you need to understand where you stand and accept it. Then plan intelligently to attain the healthiest state by realizing your potential. The Ayurvedic understanding of Prakrti provides a way to do this - to analyze and assess where you stand and to provide guidance to attain perfect health. You have an inherent tendency to move in the direction of self-healing and balance.

The backbone of Ayurveda is the principle that health is dependent on the balance of your body-mind type. Understanding your innate constitution allows for comprehending the imbalances that are going on and how optimal health is restored. Thus, assessing your Prakrti is a guide for intelligent action to tell in which direction you should move and how to improve your physical and mental well-being.

Prevention - Better than Cure

The essence of Ayurveda is prevention and Ayurveda offers extensive recommendations, procedures and techniques to protect your health.

In the course of normal, everyday life, your body easily accumulates toxins. This may be due to stress, improper diet, chemicals in the foods you eat or drink or other lifestyle-related factors. Toxins causesill health and ageing. Learning how to avoid accumulating these toxins is a key factor in maintaining your health and longevity.

In Ayurveda, diet is very important and is regarded as the foundation of good health: food is medicine and medicine is food. Which diet is suitable for you and your health depends upon your individual body-mind type and current imbalances.

Ayurveda offers the answers to which foods are appropriate for you to eat and which to avoid, how and when to eat. The old slogan that breakfast is the most important meal of the day may be a good advice for some but very bad for others.

Ayurveda advocates a joy-filled life and takes into account modern realities as well as the importance of enjoying what you eat - whatever it is. Ayurvedic consultations offers recommendations and guidelines and is not to be taken as inflexible dictation.

Success Stories

The wisdom and sense of inner ease attained through Heidi’s professionalism, knowledge of Ayurveda and most of all her own wisdom, are priceless. My physical body has been transformed from the inside out in just two months of work with her. I feel blessed, confident and hopeful about my health and wellbeing.
— Candice B., Denver, CO

I had just discovered Ayurveda and was experiencing many imbalances physically. My sessions with Heidi have taken me on a healing journey that, until now, I could not have fathomed.
— S.T.

Heidi has mentored me through phone consultations and provided me with herbal formulas to support my body. I feel like my mind, soul and body are all finally healing after many many years of stress, poor food choices, prescription drugs and childbirth. Her warm, loving, enthusiastic voice is a joy to hear. I highly recommend that anyone call and make an appointment as soon as possible. If it’s anything like my experience, you will be a changed person for the better!
— Allisen H., CA

I’ve only known Heidi for 3 months, but the results I’m seeing already, in this short amount of time, are beyond my expectations! About 4 years ago, I started experiencing major fatigue, bouts of depression, low energy, sleep issues, chronic digestion issues, & food sensitivities, just to name a few symptoms. I have seen dramatic positive changes in the last 3 months since I’ve been seeing Heidi. My digestive issues are completely gone. I really didn’t realize the stress that had caused because I had been living that way for so long. My overall energy has increased, my sleep has improved, my attitude & outlook is much more positive. I just feel so much better, Heidi & her techniques, her recommendations, her teachings, her encouragement, her passion… all of what she does, has had a significant impact on me. I can’t thank her enough & really look forward to continuing on with her. I highly recommend Heidi!
— Caryl P., Evergreen, CO

Heidi has changed my entire world! I now understand my body. I see how it works. I know that if this happens or if I feel this it means my balance is disrupted and I know exactly what to do to get myself back on track. I spent 26 years of my life suffering from sinus headaches. Until I met Heidi. She taught me how to care for myself physically, emotionally, spiritually through Ayurvedic teachings and a bit of yoga that has improved my health- eliminated my headaches, and helped me understand how to care for myself in such meaningful ways. I should add that by the time I met her, I had tried western docs, Chinese medicine including herbs and acupuncture, ENTs with zero impact. The lines on my face are gone ——poof! Down to 1 line from 3 on my forehead. My skin is significantly smoother. My kids have joined me in breathing exercises and stretching. When I brought Eli to her this past summer, as we left her office he said—“Mom, how does she glow?” I noticed too how Heidi glows. Because she is a model in practicing all she preaches and the result is a beautiful glowing Lady who inspires people to better themselves and literally runs groups to teach folks how to be happy, she can improve your life significantly. I promise. I’ve watched how what I learn from her helps me as well as my kids when I apply the same principles to them. Thank you Heidi!
— Karen P., Littleton, CO

I don’t have words to thank you for the day I was lead and blessed to meet you, be guided in finally knowing how to eat, take care of my body, my mind, and my rhythms. I am finally content and peaceful being, being a mother, knowing these years are for my self love and mothering, and the future will unfold as my destiny appears to me along the path. My husband and I are sweetly relating, I am full of self love and peace, and I am listening and graceful like I haven’t been in many years with him. We are restoring our deep friendship. You are truly an earth angel, and I’m so thankful you are following your destiny and offering your gifts. Thank you thank you thank you thank you.
— Sarah L., Boulder, CO

It’s been one year since I started working with my Ayurvedic practitioner Heidi Nordlund. I have experienced a profound shift in my well-being (mind, body, + spirit) and feel empowered by the wisdom that Ayurveda teaches. Heidi is the ultimate loving guide and I’m deeply grateful for her!
— Carrie M., Denver, CO

I am ever grateful for having contacted you because it’s made a huge difference in my life thank you, thank you, thank you. At a time of need Heidi was there for me. All the care compassion and articulate attention to my needs was met and all my Ayurvedic supplements shipped to me in such a timely manner helped me through a very rough patch in my life. I cannot thank you enough and there are no words but immense gratitude for all that you have done for me and to have you in my life. Thank you! Thank you! thank you!
— Harsha V., Toronto, Canada

Heidi is an infinite wealth of knowledge, embodied directly by the Powerful energy she emanates! It is a rare occasion when I am silenced by the Being before me, and I continue to remain in this state in her presence, for her ability to fill time with such meaning and to navigate the many layers of reality within that framework truly leaves one astounded!
— Forrest G., CO

Heidi, eternally grateful to you. You have totally changed me, and changed the way I am looking and evolving in Ayurveda.
— Mary B., CO

Heidi Nordlund has helped me in many ways along the years. Contact her if you want to change your life for the better and see another side of you that can be awakened and healed.
— Morgan H., TX

What a huge difference it has made in the quality of my every day life since my last visit with Heidi. My stress and anxiety manifested itself in the form of panic attacks and vivid nightmares resulting in interrupted sleep. When discussing these symptoms with Heidi, she listened in her joyful accepting way, all the while noting specific herbs and treatments that would be helpful. My symptoms quickly faded once I took herbs, tablets, and nose spray she recommended for me. Thank you, thank you Heidi.
— Gertie C., Longmont, CO

The herbal regimen and positive thinking has had miraculous results. I’ve had about four or five symptom-free very connected days. Fantastic! I haven’t felt this good in a long long time. I can feel the remedies working inside of me and a positive shift taken place.
— Jason B., Lyons, CO

I cannot express to you, how grateful I am to have you in my life. I have felt the best ever in the last few weeks since we started treatment. I’m very excited for the next step in the journey with Ayurvedic herbs, and further cranial treatment.
— Christina F., Longmont, CO

Heidi has greatly aided me on my healing path. With her Ayurvedic lifestyle suggestions, I’m getting my life back and it is wonderful. My family and I are very grateful. Thank you.
— Ian F., VA

I am so grateful for our time together. I was just saying to my friend that during our visit, I felt as if this was just the beginning of a new path for me, that it had come to me in its time. You make me feel very comfortable and I trust your direction for me.
— Suzanne M., Longmont, CO

It wasn’t until I studied under Heidi Nordlund that I finally SOARED with the greatest gift life might ever present to me. I am much stronger and more successful in working with this Science of Life due to the education from Heidi. I’ve experienced real-time circumstances, amongst 2nd and 3rd year Ayurveda students (150 plus case studies with real patients), where I was not only more knowledgeable, but also able to quickly refer to documentation that was accurate, complete and readily useable/concise. It’s unparalleled thus far, in my passionate journey to pursue the care and delivery of this Science of Life. With all that said, I hope you/others can appreciate how special (or even critical) it is to study this science with Heidi Nordlund, the coursework is approved by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA). A very sincere OM SHANTI to Heidi and to all who read this. Get ready for one (if not the most) meaningful journies of your physical, earthly lifetime. Namaste.
— Tamara D., FL.

I am so impressed with Heidi and her expertise and knowledge of herbs, herbal formulas, as well as her understanding of the healing of the human body. Heidi is a wonderful and a profound Practitioner of Ayurveda! I have recommended her to others and will continue to do so. Thank you HEIDI for all you do for so many people and thank you for bringing peace and happiness into my life!
— Lee A., Greeley, CO

Through her excellent intuitive ability and her most compassionate, empathetic and astute sense of observation, she truly starts you on your own invaluable, individual journey to healing yourself on all levels. The simple suggestions along with the herbs she recommends in order to get you back into balance are so perfectly tailored to address your specific concerns and needs, it is uncanny - they all work! She is truly a blessing to this world.
— J.J. Albany, NY

It’s very rare to meet someone who walks their talk! Maybe a handful. Heidi is one of those rare souls! Thank you for being one of the most genuine, authentic and in-tune beings I’ve had the honour of meeting. If anyone is reading my post, trust your gut when you’re lead to Heidi :) Totally and completely worth it!!
— Sashi D.B., Calgary, Canada

Medical Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. Ayurveda is not meant to replace the advice of your physician.